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The St Godric’s Choir is a small, friendly group which rehearses just before and just after Sunday morning mass. We aim to sing the psalm of the day, as well as a wide variety of traditional and modern hymns and mass settings. The acoustics in the church are magnificent and the music is used to enhance the liturgy. New members are always welcome.






Music Group


St Joseph's Music Group play  on alternate Sundays at the 10:30am Mass and rehearse for 45 minutes beforehand.  We play a mix of contemporary and traditional music, including sung mass parts and the psalm. We are a friendly and informal bunch to be found by the piano at the back of church. 


Would you like to help our church to glorify God through song? If you enjoy singing or can play an instrument then why not join us?  There is no audition process, just make yourself known to a member of the group (or contact the parish secretary). If you come to Mass and find we are not playing then you may well find one of us in the organ loft so come up and say hello. 





About Us 

The parish of the Durham Martyrs incorporates the Catholic churches of Our Lady of Mercy and St Godric, St Bede and St Joseph (Gilesgate) in Durham City. We are part of the Finchale Partnership and based within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.




St. Bede,

St Godric's RC Primary School,

Carrhouse Drive,


DH1 5LZ 


Our Lady of Mercy

and St Godric

Castle Chare


St Joseph

Mill Lane


Marjorie, the Parish Secretary's working hours are 8:30am -4:00pm Tues - Fri. If you email outside these hours you will receive a response when Marjorie is back in the office. 


07483 369 561



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