The Requiem Mass for Bede Murray is next Wednesday. We anticipate a very full St. Godric's. There will probably be a large number of people from far and wide, as well as the many local parishioners and friends of Paul, Andrea and Anna. I mention this by way of asking that we keep an eye to the visitors, and ensure that they are comfortably seated in the Church. Many thanks.
Unfortunately, the Harry Troughear funeral is the same morning as Bede's. Fr. Mark Carroll is kindly doing that. Harry was such a well known outfitter in Durham. Many a man has been well dressed for the big occasion, which required formal dress, by Harry. Durham has lost one of its well known figures. Our sympathies to Mabel and family.
"We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love." (Mme de Staël)