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A note from Fr. Colm - Reopening of Churches

As you know we have for some time been looking at the re-opening of our churches whilst bearing in mind Cardinal Nichols’ stipulation that it should only be done when it is safe to do so. After a great deal of hard work by a number of groups in the Parish we plan to re-open St. Godric's for private prayer on Monday 20th July, Wednesday 22nd July and Saturday 25th July. Provided there are no problems we will be open on subsequent Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays until further notice. Church will be open on each occasion for one hour, 2.00 – 3.00 pm. The arrangements have been risk assessed by a Diocesan Health and Safety expert. It is hoped that St. Joseph's will be able to re-open quite soon afterwards.

When you approach the church there may be a queue, so please observe social distancing while queuing. Doors and windows will be open so you may wish to dress accordingly. When you enter the church please use the hand sanitisation station, even if you are wearing gloves and wait to be directed by the steward to a pew, following the directional arrows at all times.

Please do not touch any statues and only light votive candles from the one already lit. Please bring your own prayer materials as there will be none available in church. Toilets and all other areas will be closed. In case of emergency or illness please contact a member of the stewarding team for assistance. Stewards will be wearing masks, gloves and aprons where necessary, and visitors are also strongly encouraged to wear a mask.

When coming to church you are advised not to share lifts and to avoid public transport wherever possible. Only come to church if you are fit and well and please protect yourself by staying away if you are in the clinically extremely vulnerable category”. I would like to thank all those involved in the re-opening process, particularly those who have volunteered and been trained to act as stewards. Please give them your support and follow their directions so that, with God's help, we will all remain safe as we start to return to the new 'normal'.

Fr. Colm


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