I wanted to update you all on some news regarding my role as Youth Ministry Coordinator at the Parish of the Durham Martyrs. I have made the difficult decision, that it is time to move on to a new stage in my life and will therefore be leaving my role in the parish at the end of October. I will also w leaving Durham as I have been offered a wonderful opportunity, at the beginning a 2023, to work with on my creative practice with one of my friends, an artist, in America. This was not a decision that was made easily and I will very much miss everyone that I have had the privilege to work with over the past 3½-4 years. Everyone in the parish has been so welcoming and supportive and I really do feel like one of the Durham Martyrs’ family. As I will not be moving on until October, this means we still have many exciting months ahead of us and I look forward to the wonderful joys that 2022 will provide. I will be staying until the end of the Confirmation programme, so I can complete this stage of the candidates’ journey with them. Finally, a big thank you to you all for your support during my time here in Durham. It would be wonderful if you can keep me in your prayers during this time of change and also ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for the future of our parish ministry. I will definitely be back to visit as Durham and the parish community have become my second home! Thanks and God bless, Katie Flood, Youth Ministry Co-ordinator
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