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Counters needed - weekly count

Dear Parishioners –

Since the onset of COVID the number of people willing to count the collections each week has dropped from 24 members to 10 and we are trying to recruit more parishioners who would be willing to help with this important task making it less onerous for all concerned. The count is done at St. Joseph’s on either Sunday after 11 a.m. Mass or on Monday morning - the day and time is decided upon by each individual who would then be placed in a group counting at the requested time. At present there are only 2 members in each team and it takes approximately 2 hours – less if there is no second collection. Obviously more hands make lighter and shorter work. The rota is very flexible and if any date does not suit it is possible to swap your turn with another counter on the rota. All newcomers will join existing groups to learn the counting procedures. We really need more volunteers so if you are able to help your priest and Parish please contact Janet Nichols . Many thanks and God Bless.


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