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Durham Martyrs Parish Council 3rd May2022 Summary

Durham Martyrs Parish Council 3 May 2022 Summary

1. We welcomed Brs Paul and John to their first PPC.

John Thompson was proposed and appointed as Vice Chair.

Margaret Wallace announced that she is standing down as Chair, and John will assume the role of Chair.

2. Update on Buildings and H&S committee

· Mary provided a summary of actions including

- the heating at St Joseph’s, which is to be assessed following some issues

- the lighting at St Joseph’s has been approved

- the security of the Jubilee room, the door will be examined

- the leaking roof of the John Boste room, to be repaired

- the presbytery roof at St Joseph’s, to be inspected

- the leaking roof above the storage room at St Godric’s, quotes being obtained

- the tower at St Godric’s which needs a new, safer ladder

- H&S inspections have been done at St Joseph’s St Godric’s and St Bede’s, nothing urgent reported

- Tenter House to be inspected

- The Diocese has a new H&S officer – Jonathan Henry

- New guidelines on those who drive for the church, these are being looked at to see how they apply

- Refresher training on food hygiene is being arranged

- St Bede’s cemetery has deteriorated, and solutions are being sought for its maintenance

- Possible training in resuscitation, which Mary will investigate

3. Update on Youth Work and Parish Ministry

· Katie provided updates on

- Confirmation, which is going well with 35-40 candidates. Evening sessions are on hold while exams are on, there are plans to visit St Edward’s at Whitley Bay and to have a camping weekend at St Leonards. St Joseph’s church is being used for meetings. Rehearsals will be held in Sept and the Confirmation Mass is at the end of October.

- Parish Ministry, the primary school children made cards to sell for Ukraine, a ceilidh and barbeque are being planned

- School visits are going well, the Lenten Retreats were a success and St Leonard’s pupils will attend God Camp.

- First Holy Communion masses will be held on 11th and 18th June and will be simple services like last year’s. There should be more involvement from the Parish next year.

· Katie explained that she is working with Fr Colm on the future of the role of Youth Worker, in preparation for her leaving in October. Consideration is being given to what the Parish needs in the future.

· Katie would like to accompany some Parishioners of all ages to Flame in Wembley next March. John Thompson suggested that the Catenians may help with costs and will investigate.

· Details of the Alpha course will be in the bulletin this weekend, the course starts on Thursday next week.

4. Remaining Covid restrictions

· There was a general discussion on the remaining restrictions

- Confessions are available and need more publicity

- Masks can be worn if wished and are encouraged if someone has a cold. Consideration is asked for those who wish to continue to wear a mask.

- Kneeling forward is allowed, again with consideration for others in front if they are anxious

- A distanced Sign of Peace gesture is encouraged

- Other items such as putting Holy water in the stoups and having Offertory processions may follow soon

- Altar servers may be encouraged after the First Holy Communions

- The role of Steward/Welcomer will continue

- Margaret will check on the status of the requests for more Readers and Ministers to return to the rotas.

· There was a discussion on the return of Masses and services to St Bede’s chapel and the Masses which will be held in the Friary at Tenter House. Fr Colm will continue to work out the plans for the future.

5. Review of Easter Services

· Fr Colm outlined the success of the four Easter services. The organisation had been very good, the times and length of each service was just right, and the attendance had been better than expected. We will use this plan in the future.

6. PPC retreat plans

· Fr Colm will look at when this can be arranged

7. PDG update

· We looked at the information sent by Graham

8. AOB

· The Parish Support Fund is still available and is accessible to all in need and will be publicised more to encourage people to apply.

9. Next meetings – AGM end June 2022


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About Us 

The parish of the Durham Martyrs incorporates the Catholic churches of Our Lady of Mercy and St Godric, St Bede and St Joseph (Gilesgate) in Durham City. We are part of the Finchale Partnership and based within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.


St. Bede,

St Godric's RC Primary School,

Carrhouse Drive,


DH1 5LZ 

Our Lady of Mercy

and St Godric

Castle Chare

St Joseph

Mill Lane


Marjorie, the Parish Secretary's working hours are 8:30am -4:00pm Tues - Fri. If you email outside these hours you will receive a response when Marjorie is back in the office. 

07483 369 561


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