Providing hospitality with the chance for a chat and catch up after mass with new and existing members of our parish is a vital part of our being a “welcoming community”. However, to provide hospitality after 11.00am Mass, we still need additional volunteers. Tea, coffee, biscuits etc. are provided and all you have to do is provide milk for the drinks. Rather than run a rota, which we did previously, we are trialling a system where if you can help, you just put your names against the date on the flip chart which is in the porch. I am pleased to say that after announcing this last Sunday at Mass, we have already had some of the Sundays filled but there a still quite a few spaces left. Please can others volunteer for at least one Sunday over the forthcoming weeks. It would be great to also see you for a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate after mass and there will also be juice for the children.
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