The following will be taking place during Lent in our parish:

Eucharistic Services during Lent
There will be a Eucharistic Service every Monday at 9.15am in St. Joseph’s commencing on Monday 27th February, and also at St. Bede’s Chapel in St. Godric’s School at 9.15am from Monday 27th February until Monday 27th March.

Lenten Meetings at St. Francis Friary. DH1 4RD
The brothers invite you to a series of 4 Lenten Meetings, commencing on Monday 27th February at 7.00pm. The theme for the series is: 'Prayer in our daily lives'. The sessions will comprise reflections and sharings on various aspects of Christian Prayer along with a friendly cup of tea. All are welcome.

Lenten Soup Lunches, St. Joseph’s
10th March – Justice and Peace
17th March – SVP
31st March – Homelessness/Sanctuary 21

Stations of the Cross
The Stations have been shared between our two churches – details below. They will commence at 7.00pm each Friday evening,
10th March Inclusive Group (Memory Café) St. Godric’s
17th March SVP St. Joseph’s
24th March The Parish Council St. Godric’s
31st March Justice and Peace St. Joseph’s

Penitential Service
There will be a Penitential Service on Tuesday, 4th April, in St. Godric’s Church at 7.00pm.