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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 26 July 2022.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 26 July 2022.


Fr Colm, Br Paul, Br John, John Thompson, Leanne Heseltine, Tom Hoban, Mike McNally, Maria Melia, Kathleen Murray, Joanna Pallister, Tony Power, John Reilly O’Donnell, Margaret Wallace

Minutes - Margaret

1.       Fr Colm opened the meeting with a prayer


2.       Apologies – Mary Harrison, Katie Flood, Joe Hughes, John Lavery, Graham Donachie, Emma Turnbull.


John Thompson welcomed all to his first meeting as Chair, and thanked Margaret for her time as Chair.


3.       Review of last meeting - It was agreed that the format of the AGM was a success, and some very positive feedback has been received. We need to identify some display space at St Godric’s.


4.       Chair’s feedback - John T and Fr Colm will discuss and aim to resolve the position of Vice-chair, the Liturgy committee, and Social committee by the next meeting in September.


5.       Finance feedback – no update


6.       Building Committee feedback – Tom gave an update on St Bede’s cemetery – Durham County Council (DCC) have cut the grass, but more help is needed to plan the tasks needed so volunteers will be called for. DCC are also involved in determining the ownership of the Lychgate and the need to prune trees on Redhill’s lane. Tony advised that he is working on a Vision document for Dream Heritage which could result in some help.

Tom said the Resuscitation training in being planned, and a Trainer is to be sought.

Tom then outlined the issues in the Rose garden at St Joseph’s – the roses are in a bad state and there was a discussion of how to sympathetically restore the garden and retain the plaques place there to remember loved ones.

John T mentioned the grounds outside of St Bede’s presbytery which are looking overgrown.


7.    Liturgy Committee feedback - no update, John T to discuss with Fr Colm.


8.       Social Committee feedback – the Parish Social Open Church afternoon on 24 July was considered a success with good footfall throughout the afternoon. A discussion followed on what food provision is allowed from now until our Food Safety training is completed in September.  Margaret will provide a note for the bulletin


9.    Youth Ministry feedback – John T referred the meeting to Katie’s feedback for the AGM.

Discussions are ongoing on what the future will hold once Katie leaves the parish in October. All aspects including financials will be considered, especially the need to continue the good practices Katie has started. It was suggested that volunteers with expertise in the areas be sought.


10.   St Godric’s Steering Group feedback - Kathleen advised that we are registered for the Heritage Open days and St Godric’s will take part on 6th - 8th and 13th - 15th  September. Fr Colm mentioned the need to make more use of both church buildings.


11.   Parish Council “Communications” - it was agreed that we will provide a briefing note to the be read out at Masses. 

·        17:00 – Margaret

·        9:00 – Tom

·        11:00 – John T


12. AOB

·      Administration costs for previous three years. – carried forward

·      Covid restrictions – We had a discussion on what can now be allowed following the easing of restrictions

o   Children’s Liturgy – can restart, however more volunteers are needed

o   Hospitality – can restart, however again volunteer teams are needed for the two Sunday morning Masses

o   Loose plate collection – a discussion followed on exploring other methods of collection, eg card readers. Ideas to be considered by the Finance Committee

o   Holy water – can be made available again, however the stoups must be cleansed each week

·        We clarified that the priest and Eucharistic Ministers will continue to wear masks when distributing Holy Communion for the time being

·        Question asked – Is there any update on the Partnership Development Group? None at present

·        Question asked – as the SVP has reported being short of funds, can the Parish Support Fund help? This will be looked at.

·        Questioned asked – Is the Parish Support Fund helping school children with meals during the summer break? We understand that vouchers have been issued via the schools to those on free school meals.




The meeting closed at 8:45pm and John presented Margaret with a hydrangea plant on behalf of the Parish to say thanks.




Next Meeting - 27th September 2022, 7pm


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