St. Godric’s Catholic Primary School Nursery Consultation
We are hoping to open a Nursery at St. Godric’s School next year and are currently in the consultation process which closes 17th April 2024. Further information can be found on the school website
If you would like to share your views and/or express your interest, please scan the QR code below.

Father David Smith School Visit and basket sale
St. Godric’s Mini Vinnies would like to invite you, the Parishioners, to our school on Wednesday 17th April at 2.30pm. Father David Smith will be visiting us to tell us about the wonderful work he does to support the Asante Women’s Basket Weaving Project in Muhoroni, Kenya. Father David will be selling some of the lovely baskets after his talk for £20 each. Please support our Live Simply Award by attending and buying a basket.