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Parish Council Meeting Minutes 21st April

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 21 April 2020 (via zoom)


Fr Colm, Margaret Wallace, Graham Donachie, Joanna Pallister, Fred Hayward, Kathleen Murray, Tom Hoban, Chris Parker, Erica Smith, Peter Thompson, John Thompson, Mike McNally, Marjorie Towers, Katie Flood, Leanne Heseltine, Maria Melia

Apologies John Lavery, John Reilly O’Donnell, Tony Power

Actions arising from the last meeting

To establish a more comprehensive list of our parishioners – Katie has received from Joanna & Marjorie their respective parish register information from previous files and expects to have an updated electronic version by the end of the week.

Kathleen also added that she has some records, but these are hard copies. Katie suggested these could be share electronically and Chris reminded us that any info shared will need to password protected to satisfy GDPR.

Feedback on Latest Parish Pack

These have been gratefully received and very welcome. Feedback has been positive and includes Fr Colm being told so by a parishioner’s husband in the street! Many thanks again to all involved.

Citizens UK Zoom Meeting

Graham felt that as a parish we were aligned to wider national efforts in relation to distribution of our Parish Pack and the only possible area to consider in addition was to include crafts.

One idea for consideration was a ‘tech champion’ who could help parishioners who may have technology but are unsure how to use it to access online content. He also suggested we should consider providing access to devices for parishioners who didn’t have tech. Erica noted that ‘old’ tech was probably unreliable, and Graham agreed that it should be new if we did this. Chris suggested we could offer help based on parishioner’s capability.

Graham also highlighted that next week’s Citizens UK meeting is focused on “Helping Communities Deal with the Mental Health Crisis in COVID-19” which would be particularly relevant for our parish based on our recent discussions. Graham has shared the invite for anyone who would like to attend and noted it will also be recorded and can be accessed afterwards.

John Thompson shared some insights on dealing with mental health and we agreed to discuss further once we have attended the Citizen’s UK session mentioned above.

Bereavement Support Group

Erica advised that this is still operational and Easter cards were sent to families of those who had relatives die this year, and they have also been in touch with relatives who had family die since Jan 2019. The Bereavement Mass usually scheduled to take place near Pentecost will be rearranged.

Fr Colm’s Summary

Father highlighted that changes to church and society will be inevitable as we come out of this pandemic, with new communities, ‘virtual piety’, and a changed landscape in our schools as examples. He re-emphasised the importance of supporting the increased Mental Health problems within our community and commented on how quickly we have all adapted to the changing environment.

Next Meeting

Tuesday 28 April 7pm via zoom


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