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Parish Council Meeting Minutes 7th April

Parish Council (Zoom) Meeting 7th April 2020


Margaret Wallace (Chair), Fr Colm, Graham Donachie, Katie Flood, Maria Melia, Joanna Pallister, Tom Hoban, Kathleen Murray, Mike McNally, Tony Power, Fred Haywood, Chris Parker, Erica Smith, Peter Thompson, John Thompson, Leanne Heseltine, Melanie Tyson


John Lavery, John Reilly-O'Donnell

1. Margaret welcomed everyone and Fr Colm opened meeting with our Parish prayer.

2. Actions deferred until normal service resumed.


- Election of Vice Chair

3. Communications - Leanne and Katie

Parish Social Media and Website are a resounding success during these times of the Coronavirus.

Website is updated daily with resources to help during self-isolation, reflections from Fr Colm, readings, further reflections, Lenten resources, activities for children etc. In addition, Katie live streams Rosary, Exposition and Lectio Divina. Feedback has been very positive.

For parishioners unable to access resources 'Prayer packs' have been prepared with a wide range of resources and contact details for the Parish Office.

Fr Colm asked for thanks to be recorded to Katie and Leanne for their contributions.

Parish groups are keeping in touch with each other and our Parish community are trying hard to ensure our faith and friends thrive.

4. Parish Contacts - Maria and Joanna

Maria and Joanna have contacted all on the Parish Register and support has been offered with shopping, calls and online support.

Situation has highlighted need of an up-to-date register.

5. Finance - Fred

Fred had presented a clear report in advance of meeting.

Highlighted - Cost and grant for roof repair at St Godric's

- Wise and timely cancellation of Holy Land Pilgrimage.

6. Citizens UK - Melanie Tyson

Melanie outlined some of the impacts of the work of Tyne and Wear Citizens including the 'Just Change' campaign for children entitled to free school meals and the 'Living Wage' campaign.

She spoke of the mission of the organisation to empower people to change things themselves.

Our Parish is a member and ways are being explored on how we can do more and Fr Colm, Graham and Melanie joined a recent video conference to discuss this..

7. Summary

- Margaret thanked Fr Colm and expressed our concern for his health and well-being at the moment.

- Wide discussion about financial concerns of parishioners and parish as a result of coronavirus eg unemployment, hardship, lack of parish income from weekly collection plates, priorities and support for the future

- The need for Bereavement Group to consider massive impact of deaths and grieving processes.

8. Next meeting 7pm 14th April - Zoom

9. Fr Colm ended meeting with a prayer.


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About Us 

The parish of the Durham Martyrs incorporates the Catholic churches of Our Lady of Mercy and St Godric, St Bede and St Joseph (Gilesgate) in Durham City. We are part of the Finchale Partnership and based within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.


St. Bede,

St Godric's RC Primary School,

Carrhouse Drive,


DH1 5LZ 

Our Lady of Mercy

and St Godric

Castle Chare

St Joseph

Mill Lane


Marjorie, the Parish Secretary's working hours are 8:30am -4:00pm Tues - Fri. If you email outside these hours you will receive a response when Marjorie is back in the office. 

07483 369 561


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