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Prayer Apps

In today's Homily Br. Paul talked about various prayer apps that we can use in our daily prayer lives to help us remain in contact with Jesus.

For those who are interested here are some links:

Hallow is a prayer and meditation app that combines the peace and stillness of meditation with the spiritual growth of contemplative prayer. It features over 10,000 sessions of audio-guided prayers led by world-class talent such as Jonathan Roumie, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Bishop Barron, Mark Wahlberg, Sr. Miriam James SOLT, Jeff Cavins, Dr. Scott Hahn, and more!


Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc.

Biographies and reflections: saints and feasts of the day from all over the world. The readings for Mass and Liturgy of the hours.

With the Lectio 365 app you pray the Bible by meditating on the scriptures and asking God to speak through them. The app has short devotionals for morning and evening so you can open and close each day with God.


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