“Our sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ has no other purpose than to transform us into that which we receive.”Pope Leothe Great. If this year was the Year of the Eucharist, then June is certainly the month of the Eucharist. It’s the high point of our parish with First Holy Communions over the next couple of Saturdays. Covid has denied children this opportunity, and so these Saturdays have an extra importance. The Feast of Corpus Christi also affords an opportunity for Eucharistic Ministers to renew their commitments. A special thank you to them for their invaluable contribution to parish life, especially in the bringing of the Eucharist to the sick. Thank you so much. It was wonderful to be present last Sunday in the aptly named Jubilee Room for the SVP celebrations of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It was the first major gathering in the parish since lockdown and the relief at being able to meet again was tangible. Many thanks to all who put such great efforts in bringing such joy to so many. “The thing the church need most today is the ability to heal wounds and warm the hearts of the faithful.” Pope Francis.
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