What a late surprise this weather has provided! Do keep an eye to the vulnerable living alone. Every second Tuesday a film is shown with a religious and especially penitential theme. These lead to the last Tuesday of Lent to a Service of Reconciliation, which will be held at St. Godric’s in Holy Week. Joined with Br. John’s Prayer reflections, we should be well prepared.
Our prayers and best wishes to Miss Haggart who has resigned as Head at St. Joseph’s. In thanking her for her commitment to St. Joseph’s, in particular to children with special needs, I wish her every success in the next phase of her career.
The regulations of Communion under both kinds are changing, so can I request Ministers of Holy Communion to let me know your availability. I will keep you updated, especially if you are uncomfortable with it. Rotas will need preparation, i.e. an hour of input. Thanks again.
An excerpt from “The Cure at Troy”
Seamus Heaney
Human beings suffer, They torture one another, They get hurt and get hard. No poem or play or song Can fully right a wrong Inflicted and endured.
History says, don’t hope On this side of the grave. But then, once in a lifetime The longed-for tidal wave Of justice can rise up, And hope and history rhyme.
So hope for a great sea-change On the far side of revenge. Believe that further shore Is reachable from here. Believe in miracle And cures and healing wells.