As you will see from the parish briefing, there are stringent measures now in place to cope with the Coronavirus. Much thought and conversations have gone into these notes, and I am very grateful to the Parish Council for the input, but decisions have to be made, and it falls to me to make them.
And so: there will be no Sunrise Services, Eucharistic Services at St. Bede's (St. Godric's School). There will be no Sunrise or Eucharistic Services at St. Joseph's. There will be no Eucharistic Services in St. Godric's Church and all weekday Masses will move into the main church. All gatherings are suspended. That means all social assembles. Can I address those who are housebound and feeling isolated. We are with you very much at this time. You are foremost in our thoughts in this time of health emergency. The safety measures we are putting place are daunting, as we are all asked to isolate ourselves from what was 'normal' - travel, reaching out to others, and worshipping in enclosed groups. This seems so contrary to our ideals and the last thing we want is to isolate the Good News. The Gospel ideal of loving our neighbour is now vital.