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Thought from Fr. Colm - 18th August 2024

I Am the Bread of Life

Malcolm Guite

Where to get bread? An ever-pressing question

That trembles on the lips of anxious mothers,

Bread for their families, bread for all these others;

A whole world on the margin of exhaustion.

And where that hunger has been satisfied

Where to get bread? The question still returns

In our abundance something starves and yearns

We crave fulfilment, crave and are denied.

And then comes One who speaks into our needs

Who opens out the secret hopes we cherish

Whose presence calls our hidden hearts to flourish

Whose words unfold in us like living seeds

Come to me, broken, hungry, incomplete,

I Am the Bread of Life, break Me and eat.

A Prayer based on ‘He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood,

lives in me and I live in him.’ John 6:56


All that I am, and all I can offer,

I give to you willing and free.

All that I ask, is that you make me your vessel

so that I live in you,

and you live in me.



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