"What is done to be seen by others is poured into the wind …. what is human praise but the sound of the whistling winds.” An anonymous early Christian writer. And so begins the theme of Lent – being true to ourselves and discover what is authentic. What is our truest self. I’m sure many of us feel that we’ve had more enforced time alone to be real than we’d care for. The challenge to our mental well-being has been very real also. And so, as we begin to emerge from a year like no other, we are really challenged to keep an eye to the purpose of it all – Easter. I can say all of this, of course, from the comfort of not really being on the frontline. But there are those, especially hospitals and schools’ staff – of which there are many of you in the parish – who were, and still are, in that same frontline to make sure essential services are still functioning. We say a big “thank you” to your courage. At parish level, our group of stewards also continue to keep our churches open. Ironically, it is probably the younger members of our parish community that are probably more vulnerable now, as the older members will have had their first vaccine jab. Let’s not be too hasty in wishing to return to normality. The scientists are very clear about the dangers of impatience. They are clear that its too early to tell how safe those who have one jab, or even two of the vaccine injections, are. Caution and patience, words that don’t roll off the tongue easily, are still very much required. None more so than within our churches. Please continue to take care. “Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you, and scorn in the one ahead.”
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