I think I speak for many when I say we’re reaching the end of our tether regarding lockdown. Patience is being stretched. Erratic behaviour seems more normal. We see the end line, but we’re not there yet. We long to return to ‘normality’. Indeed, the signs are positive. Vaccines are received across the board. Church numbers increase. For those involved in church ministries, there are even more temptations to get back in there helping. Hang tight for the moment please. We are not safe yet! The Capuchins visited the parish this week. Delightful and steeped in their rich spiritual tradition, they bring the possibility of a great spiritual injection into the parish, the local area, and the Diocese. Tenter House, where they hope to reside, necessitates much work to bring it up to a decent living standard. As Brother Paul said at Mass in the parish this week “please pray that the move to Durham becomes a reality…” In other words they need to finalise some details, so let’s pray that it does become a reality.
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