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Thought from Fr. Colm - 24/06/22

Congratulations to Bishop Seamus as he celebrates his 80th birthday with a special Mass in St. Mary’s Cathedral next Thursday. And special congratulations to all priests celebrating their jubilees of ordination, among whom are Fr. Mark Carroll on his 60th Anniversary, always a great support here in the parish. Fr. Brendan Kelly celebrates his 50th and St. Joseph’s was his first appointment. The late and much-loved Fr. Corbett would have celebrated his golden jubilee with Fr. Brendan. Also, next Friday is the golden jubilee of priesthood of Fr. Gordon Ryan, former PP in our parish at St. Bede’s/Godric’s. Congratulations and prayers to these great servants of the Diocese over so many years.

We return to Mass at St. Bede’s/Godric’s this week. Though not on a weekly basis, it is good to be able to return and pick up on the vital link this Mass was between the parish and the school. Services of Word and Communion will take place each Monday of term when there is no Mass.

We are ceasing the need for stewards at all Masses. Many thanks to all stewards for their commitment over these challenging times. Please do continue with a sensible awareness of the need to sanitise hands and continue the reception of Holy Communion from the side isles, returning to seats from the centre aisle. The wearing of masks is optional. Covid still looms!


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About Us 

The parish of the Durham Martyrs incorporates the Catholic churches of Our Lady of Mercy and St Godric, St Bede and St Joseph (Gilesgate) in Durham City. We are part of the Finchale Partnership and based within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.


St. Bede,

St Godric's RC Primary School,

Carrhouse Drive,


DH1 5LZ 

Our Lady of Mercy

and St Godric

Castle Chare

St Joseph

Mill Lane


Marjorie, the Parish Secretary's working hours are 8:30am -4:00pm Tues - Fri. If you email outside these hours you will receive a response when Marjorie is back in the office. 

07483 369 561


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