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Thought from Fr. Colm - 3rd September

God’s Great Creation

Excerpts from a poem on praise and forgiveness by Helen Kinnett

Creator God, we praise your great creation,

We marvel at the works of your hands,

You give us light,

Your light is our hope,

We praise your creation all of our days and nights,

You give us so much but we struggle to look after your amazing creation,

Creator God, forgive us.

God’s great creation, when will we learn?

To take care of our planet, is our concern?

God’s great creation,

Help us learn not to destroy our nation,

God’s great creation,

This is our prayer for forgiveness.

You made plants to bear grain and fruits to feed us,

Lord, we are in awe of all you created,

You in your generosity, made enough for everyone,

But we are selfish and do not always share,

O, Lord, we are sorry for our greed,

Forgive us when we take more than we need,

God’s great creation, when will we learn?

To take care of our each other, is our concern?

God, you made the stars,

We pollute the air with cars,

God’s great creation,

This is our prayer for forgiveness.

Thank you God for creating the sun,

You made everything perfect, when the world was begun,

We praise you God for the moon in space,

Help us take care of this place,

We praise you for the infinite beauty of nature,

You give us so much but we struggle to look after your amazing creation,

Creator God, forgive us.

God’s great creation, when will we learn?

To take care of our planet, is our concern?

Deforestation, if all the trees leave,

If we destroy natural habitats, how will we breathe?

God’s great creation,

This is our prayer for forgiveness.

Creator God, we praise you for sea creatures,

For fish and rivers teeming with life,

We thank you for the birds and flowers,

For animals both domestic and wild, large and small,

We praise you God that you created them all.

God’s great creation, when will we learn?

To take care of our each other, is our concern?

Help us to change our destructive ways,

To save our planet for future days,

God’s great creation,

This is our prayer for forgiveness.

God’s great creation, blessings for all of our days,

God’s great creation, we sing our psalm of praise!


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