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Thought from Fr. Colm - 9/04/21

​Now that Easter is over, it brings a sense of hope in so many areas of our lives, not least being the possibility of seeing beyond Covid. For many of us, this past year has been one of sadness and loss. Both came home to roost for me with the death of my brother, Liam on Holy Saturday. Those of you who accessed the streamed Requiem from Dublin on Thursday will appreciate the man that he was. However, that’s my loss. But many of you are all too aware of your own loss. “Grief is love with nowhere to go.” This quote from Fred Gutenberg, whose 14-year-old and only daughter was killed in the Parkland School, Florida, mass shooting three years ago, describes the nature of grief. However, faith in the Risen Christ constantly addresses this void. The discovery of the empty tomb, the Emmaus story, the wounds of the risen Jesus etc., all say how comforting our faith can be. The community support was pivotal. Both dimensions of a Faith Community were marvellously shown to me this week. And so I take this opportunity to say how grateful I am to you all for your kind support to me, family in Dublin, and the US, on the sudden death of our big brother Liam. Can I now thank all who joined us for the Easter Triduum, both at home and online. Yes, Katie and Lucy did brilliantly within the limited resources available. Something for us to look for the future. Thanks also to our hard-working stewards, and to Marjorie, working under pressure to ensure we were all able to attend at least one service. Please God, we will return to some normality in the near future.


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