Baptismal Programme

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"Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua),and the door which gives access to the other sacraments."
- CCC 1213, Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Baptismal Programme is offered for parent parishioners of St Godric’s and St Joseph’s . It is also available for other parents outside the parish who wish to have their child baptised in our parish and have asked and received permission from their parish priest.
The programme offers parents the opportunity to consider the reasons for choosing to have their child baptised and the importance and responsibilities that come with their decision. The importance and significance of the signs and symbols used in Baptism are explained and the Baptismal Rite is discussed.
The dates for this programme are published in the Parish Bulletin and it is presented as a single evening session (usually a Monday evening)beginning 6 30 pm and ending 9 00pm. The programme is offered triannually, every spring, summer and autumn presented by six parish catechists.The programme and evening presentation is designed for adults only. We welcome parents, grandparents, godparents and other adult family members and anyone who is pregnant who wishes to attend.
If you are interested in joining the programme, please contact in the first instance the Parish Secretary by phone or email with your name, address, email and telephone/ mobile number. We welcome you and ask that if you are interested and wish to enrol please do so prior to the start of the spring, summer or autumn programme This essential information is required for planning purposes.