And so we continue our journey through lockdown. So many challenges await us into the future. The parish council continues to meet via Zoom. We are adjusting to this very different type of communication. I think it fair to say that one gets quite proficient after a few efforts. More importantly, we are now realising the value of this new form of accessing each other. Parliament is now realising this too. There is so much to be grateful for because of it. Many can access Mass of their choice. I recently visited the website of two churches in Dublin for the funerals of two friends. These are ways of communication that were discussed over the years, but we simply never got around to acquiring. Its not everything, however. Nothing can substitute for personal contact. And so to the post Virus era; if you care to visit the Parish website you will find an interesting article by Fr. Tomas Hallic on the possible impact of lockdown on our future church. Do read. On a more immediate and practical level, can I again ask that we keep in touch with each other. That phone call can mean so much more than you can imagine.
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Parish News and Announcements
Apr 23, 2020
Fr. Colm has recorded a reflection for the feast of St George . You can access it from the home page underneath "Thoughts from Fr. Colm" or by clicking the link below where there is also a typed transcript available.
Apr 22, 2020
Fr. Colm has recorded a reflection for Wednesday of the 2nd week of Eastertide . You can access it from the home page underneath "Thoughts from Fr. Colm" or by clicking the link below where there is also a typed transcript available.
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