Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 14 April 2020 (via zoom)
Fr Colm, Margaret Wallace, Graham Donachie, Joanna Pallister, Fred Hayward, Kathleen Murray, Tom Hoban, Tony Power, Chris Parker, Erica Smith, Peter Thompson, John Thompson, Mike McNally, Marjorie Towers, Katie Flood, Leanne Heseltine, Maria Melia
John Lavery, John Reilly O’Donnell
The group were told of the sad death of John Reilly O’Donnell’s mum yesterday and expressed their sorrow and sympathies to him and his family.
Actions arising from the last meeting
To establish a more comprehensive list of our parishioners – Katie has started typing up a list of all recorded in the 2015 data collection and is up to “H”. We know that this doesn’t represent everyone but it is a starting point. Marjorie suggested adding information from previous files from 2009 and will be locating all such folders for work to begin on this mammoth job.
As our main priority at the moment is making sure all our folk have access to parish resources and help if they want to, Katie reminded us that the St Leonard's weekly email to parents does include our parish links.
We considered that we will need to re think carefully about what information we want to collect for our upcoming Parish register data collection.
To allow parishioners to give to parish funds. – As some have expressed a wish to give financially, a message has been put into the bulletins giving parish bank details to allow this. This is in no way an appeal, just an answer to a request.
Feedback on Easter Resources
The online resources and prayer packs which have been delivered have been most gratefully received and are reaching far beyond the parish and across the globe. Many thanks to all involved, especially Katie and Leanne.
Content of the next Packs
Another pack is being printed to go out this Friday and a further one in a fortnight. These include 2 bulletins, 10 reflections, meditation reflections, puzzle and activity pages and a letter from Fr Colm. The final pack may contain some letters from our schoolchildren.
Fr Colm’s Summary
Father pointed out the need for us to look soon to the growing issues of grief and mental illness, such as depression, which are increasing throughout this crisis.
Next Meeting
Tuesday 21 April 7pm via zoom