Our Parish Pentecost Novena begins tonight Tuesday 16th May 7pm in St Joseph's Church. Each evening will consist of an opening hymn, a prayer to the Holy Spirit, an appropriate scripture reading, a brief talk on a topic connected to the Holy Spirit and Exposition. Thursday 18th May's talk may be incorporated into Mass due to it being a Holy Day of Obligation and Mass being held at 7pm.
The talk for each evening is as a follows:
Tuesday 16 Fr Colm will open the Novena
Wednesday 17 Understanding and encouragement in faith
Thursday 18 Knowledge. Seeing Christ in our neighbour
Friday 19 Piety Personal witness to prayer
Monday 22 Fear of the Lord. Good work in daily life
Tuesday 23 Counsel and support in loss
Wednesday 24 Fortitude . Care of the sick and handicapped
Thursday 25 Wisdom and working in schools
Friday 26 Fr Colm will close the Novena
For those unable to attend these evenings you can view the order of service with the hymn and prayers here: