A time to remember. I watched ‘Conversations’ with former soldiers of WW1 on BBC4 television. Extremely moving. The sense of guilt and loss was transparent. The saddest account was from one ex-serviceman, who said that he thought they (the soldiers) were heading to France ‘for a bit of fun’. He added that this perception changed very quickly once they had arrived in the war zone. Our sympathies to Matthew Grehan-Bradley on the death of his mother, Anne, who died on Thursday. May she rest in peace. Our Parish Council meeting this week was, as you can imagine, focussed on the upcoming Youth Programmes, Covid, and what contribution we might make to Lumiére. Any volunteers around for Lumiére would be very welcome. We’re trying to feature St. Godric’s in all its luminous glory to all visitors – even though we’re not on the official path of the various exhibits.
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