Thanks to everyone who was involved in our Holy Week and Easter celebrations and Masses. Our Mini Triduum was a lovely occasion, and the presence of some of the children from our three primary schools partaking in the liturgy was great to see. Our parish at its best, young and old worshipping together. Thanks especially to the SVP who provided the refreshments after the Mass. I have had many positive comments on the Mass of the Lord’s Supper held at St. Godric’s – the welcome, the ambience of the church and the wonderful music. It all added to the solemnity of the occasion. Good Friday at St. Joseph’s again was a very moving service as we reflected on the death of Jesus. The Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses were well supported and uplifting occasions. Again, thanks to everyone involved in organising and partaking over those days – the Liturgy Group, Musicians, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Flower arrangers, Stewards/Welcomers, Cleaners. We are blessed as a parish with all our wonderful volunteers.
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