Walking Group
The Walking Group normally meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month and details of the planned walk are always published in the bulletin in advance.
There is currently a ‘core group’ of regular walkers but anyone is welcome to come along to join us and you do not need to commit to regular attendance.
Our walks range between 5 to 12 miles and we try to vary the length and difficulty of the walks from month to month in order to try to cater for all abilities and interests. Suggestions for new walks are always welcome.
We are a very relaxed and sociable group and walks normally end at a local hostelry
Upcoming Walks
Date Proposed Walk
27th January 2024 Lanchester Railway Path 4-5 miles TBC
24th February 2024 Saints of Durham Churches 2.5 or 5 miles
(revised from originally published 17th due to Parish meeting)
16th March TBC
20th April Bluebell Walk 3 or 6 miles
18th May Seaham Coast Flexible 8 mile maxTBC
15th June Durham to Lanchester TBC
20 July Fishburn / Bishop Middleham 7.3 miles
17th August South Shields Coast TBC (short)
21st September Castle Eden Dene TBC
19th October TBC
16th November TBC
14th December Christmas Lunch
Walks suggested can be changed and new ideas are always welcome.