The Diocesan Liturgical Formation team are running a day for readers of all levels of experience to explore the new translation of the Lectionary on Saturday 9th November at St. Augustine, Darlington, DL3 7RG. This day will provide an opportunity to look at the background of the new Lectionary and to be ready to proclaim the Scriptures. For more information and to book, please visit: Details of other Liturgy days are also available on the Diocesan website. You can also make your booking through Marjorie. Please let her know if you wish to attend. Alternatively, if you wish to book online, could you also let Marjorie know, so that we have a complete list of attendees.
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Parish News and Announcements
Jun 9, 2024
We welcomed Bishop Stephen to our Parish this weekend. We thank him for his testimony at our Masses and look forward to welcoming him again in the future. He also joined us for our international lunch after Mass at St Joseph's beautifully decorated with flags representing the internationally of our community.

May 14, 2024
Dear Sisters & Brothers
In order to grow as a synodal Church it is important that we all have a chance to pray and discern how the Holy Spirit is inviting us to grow in mission in our parishes and communities. To facilitate this, I together with others, offer an initial Diocesan vision for your prayerful reflection. Our discerned Diocesan commitments are: To Walk with Jesus and Enable Others to Encounter Him; To Grow as One Diocesan Family – Rebuilding Relationships; Forming and Developing People for Mission; Living Justly and Caring for Our Common Home. Each of these commitments are developed in the vision. It is not my intention to impose this vision. It is offered for further reflection and I invite all of our parishes and communities to prayerfully reflect on them. We offer accompanying resources and support to enable this reflection. Please contact your parish office if you would like hard copies of these materials which are all available on the Diocesan website.
With assurances and prayers,
Bishop Stephen
We entrust the future of our diocesan family to our patron, Blessed Lady Immaculate, pray for us.
Read more on the Diocesan website
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