Saturday, 24th December – Christmas Eve
Carols and readings at 6.30pm,
Mass at 7.00pm
Sunday, 25th December – Christmas Day
Mass at 10.00am
If you are a minister or reader, it would be helpful with planning for the above if you could let us know if you are available or not, and which Mass you plan to attend. Please let Fr. Colm or Marjorie know. Thanks to all who have already been in touch.
Christmas Choir Rehearsal - for Christmas Eve
Yes, it is that time again. If you enjoy singing and would like to join us to sing for the Vigil Mass and Carol Service on Christmas Eve then please contact Evanna and Roger on lindevanna@gmail.com or ask Marjorie to put you in touch with us. There are no auditions, but you will need to come to 2 of our rehearsals.
Dates: Sunday 4th, 11th and 18th December Time: 6.00pm to 7.15pm
Place: Jubilee Room, St Joseph's Church
There will be no rehearsal for Christmas Day but if you would like to help with singing of well-known hymns then make yourself known to Matt Grehan-Bradley on Christmas Morning before Mass.