The Driver's annual declaration (volunteers) form has been updated to its most recent version
The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle has issued a Directive stating that all drivers involved in Parish activities that require the use of their personal motor vehicle must check with their Insurance Company that sufficient cover is provided in the event of an accident whilst carrying out Parish duties, as the Diocese does not hold any motor insurance for either employees or volunteers.This includes the following activities, although the list is not exhaustive:
•Eucharistic Ministers taking Holy Communion to the sick or housebound
•Driving to the bank to deposit collection monies
•A car rota to collect members of a lunch club
•Arrangements where parishioners with cars pick up other parishioners to bring them to Mass
If you drive for Parish duties,and you haven’t yet completed an Annual Drivers Declaration Form, please collect one from the back of the Church or download a copy below.Completed forms should be placed in a sealed envelope marked “Driver Declaration” and returned to church or to the Parish Office or emailed to Marjorie .Thank you.(Buildings/Health and Safety Committee)
Please complete the forms which can then be emailed to Marjorie.