We are excited to announce that St Godric’s Church will be open between 5 -9pm for this year's Lumiére celebration. We are looking for volunteers to help out for 2-hour slots from Thursday 18th -Sunday 21st November. The slots are as follows:
Thursday 18th Nov | Friday 19th Nov | Saturday 20th Nov | Sunday 21st Nov |
5-7pm | 5-7pm | 5-7pm | 5-7pm |
7-9pm | 7-9pm | 7-9pm | 7-9pm |
In order for the opening to go ahead, we are looking for a minimum of 6 volunteers per slot.The time slots include set up/take down time -set up will begin at 5pm and takedown will be complete by 9pm. Refreshments will be served outside the front entrance of the church under cover of gazebos and the Church will be open to visitors. There will be a one-way system in place and all visitors to the church must wear a mask when inside
If you are interested in volunteering, you can sign up via doodle poll
Please use your full name when signing up via doodle poll.
Alternatively, if you are interested in volunteering, you can contact Katie at youth.durhammartyrs@rcdhn.org.uk or call on 07483 369561