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Thought from Fr. Colm 04/06/21

Thank God we have been able to bask in the much deserved glorious sunshine this week. It has been a particular blessing to teachers and young people alike. And with Covid variants sweeping around us, we are being given a reminder that we still must go gently into an unpredictable summer. The good weather makes this uncertainty so much more manageable. Our Masses also continue to inject that much needed boost to our stretched patience. Restricted though it still may be, the mere fact that we can gather is a tonic to the system. With the celebration of the Feast of The Body and Blood of Christ this weekend, I think we can celebrate it as in no other year previously by simply being thankful, especially for those times of private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament we had when weekend Masses were not available during lockdown. There was(is) a silent solidarity also among those physically present. Nothing dramatic, just the ordinariness of the moment, but ... “ do not forget that the value and interest in life is not so much to do the conspicuous things... as to do the ordinary things with the perception of their enormous value.” Teilhard de Chardin A special thanks to all of you for cards, messages and Masses for my brother Liam. The regular listing of Masses intentions have been a reminder of the value of support, especially at this time when it seems travel restrictions to Ireland may not make allow a family remembrance of Liam’s life until mid July, at the earliest. So a sincere thank you. I say that also on behalf of Liam’s wife, Moira and family, whom I keep up to date on all Masses and prayers.


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