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Thought from Fr. Colm - 9th July

It has been 10 years since the first formal Mass as the Parish of the Durham Martyrs, at St. Leonard’s in June 2013. In preparation for this, we had spent a few years in formation, bringing together our neighbouring churches. One part of that was a Parish Development Day in November 2012 at St. Leonard’s Sixth Form Centre, where over 80 parishioners contributed to a series of wide-ranging discussions on our future together. At the celebration of my 40th anniversary as a serving Priest, I was inspired by the reflections of my dear friend, Fr. John O’Brien, who spoke about the best of times and the worst of times. I would like to invite you all to Parish Development Day 2, at St. Leonard’s on Saturday, 14th October. We need to look forward again to explore how we might create the best of times. I would like you all to reflect on our first 10 years and how we might build a stronger community in the future. Please put the date in your diary and further details will be shared after the summer break.

Thank you. Fr. Colm


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