Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Mass Times
Tuesday 24th December
Christmas Eve
5:00pm Vigil Mass of Christmas St Joseph's preceded by Carols
7:00pm Vigil Mass of Christmas St Godric's preceded by Carols
Wednesday 25th December
9:00am Holy Mass St Godric's
10:30am Holy Mass St Joseph's
Christmas Readers and Ministers
Thanks to everyone who volunteered to read or minister over Christmas. A list has
now been drawn up, as shown below. Could readers please note that reader 1 will
read the first reading and the psalm, and reader 2 will read the second reading and
the bidding prayers.
Christmas Eve
St. Joseph’s - 5.00pm
Readers - Leanne Heseltine - 1 , Nick Sutton - 2
Ministers -Bridget Wilson, Dennis Bradley
St. Godric’s - 7.00pm
Readers- Joe Hughes - 1, Jane Wilcockson - 2
Ministers- Barbara Reilly-O’Donnell, Dominica Moran
Christmas Day
St. Godric’s – 9.00am
Readers- Kathleen Murray -1, Dorothy Wilson - 2
Ministers- Patsy Hopkins, Maria Melia
St. Joseph’s – 10.30am
Readers- Alison Holtham -1, Chris Savage - 2
Ministers- Joanna Pallister, Hugo Kruiniger