1. Update on Buildings and H&S committee
• Mary provided a summary of the items covered in two Building and H&S meetings. These included reviews of St Joseph’s presbytery, St Joseph’s church, St Godric’s church and St Bede’s presbytery. Estimates are being obtained for any works needed and these will be prioritised one financial approval is given.
• The landscaping around the Parish buildings has been reviewed and will be discussed in the next meeting • Tenter House snagging issues and some security measures are being addressed
• The Jubilee and Don Bosco rooms have been assessed and can now be used, subject to some rules
2. Update from Katie
• Youth work
• Confirmation programme has started with a retreat for 26 candidates at the Youth Village
• First Holy Communion programme has also started with a parents meeting. There will be a “Talk Mass” next weekend.
• Parish Ministry
• Synod – meetings planned for next week which will feed into the Diocesan picture • Year of the Eucharist – ideas for this will be shared across the Partnership
• Review of Lumiere – 150 people visited St Godric’s over the four nights and the feedback was good.
3. Moving out of Covid restrictions
• Case numbers in our local are remain high so some restrictions need to stay, eg masks, hand sanitiser and social distancing. We no longer need to clean the benches after services.
• Increasing our services
• Confessions – Fr is reviewing how and where to reintroduce these
• Daily Masses/Service of Word/Exposition/St Bede Chapel – will remain as they are until the rest of the Capuchin community arrive
• Groups restarting
• Using Parish meeting rooms – these can resume, subject to the rules in the risk assessment. These are bookable via Marjorie
• Food and drink – tea/coffee allowed with wrapped biscuits, no other food just yet
4. PPC retreat plans – Fr Colm is discussing this for a future date
5. AOB
• Katie announced that she will be leaving the Parish in October and will have plans in place to cover her activities before then. Katie was thanked for her great contribution to the Parish.
• Margaret said we need to look at ways of encouraging more volunteers from across the Parish.
6. Next meetings– 12 Apr 2022, ideally face to face in the Jubilee room