The Fourth Option of Giving by Debit/Credit Card This method is now live and Electronic Giving Devices are at the back of each church at both St. Joseph’s and St. Godric’s.
Making a Donation is relatively easy - similar to paying in a shop or withdrawing
cash from a Cashpoint:
1. Select one of the Funds eg Offertory Collection, Piety Stall (Papers/Cards), Ukraine or Special Collection (when there is one)
2. Then press one of the Donation Values - £1, £2, £3, £5, £10 or £20 Or choose your own value
3. Then tap your Card or Phone on the Card Reader (insert if over £100) -
Debit cards or Visa and Amex credit cards are accepted
4. After tapping/inserting your card the Card Reader will beep and the screen
will display payment approved
Cancelling a Transaction
If for any reason you need to cancel a transaction before completion - simply press
and release the power button on the right-hand side of the SumUp card reader.
This cancels the transaction and declines the payment.
Completing a Gift Aid declaration is optional:
1. You will be prompted after using your card to say YES/NO if you wish your
donation to be Gift Aided
2. If YES then there will be prompts to complete your name and address to
register for Gift Aid using this system
3. Future donations will be automatically recorded via the first registration
OTHER Methods of Giving are STILL AVAILABLE
Please note that the other three ways of Giving are still very much AVAILABLE - by
Standing Order (the preferred way), Envelopes or Cash on the Offertory/Collection Plate
There is always a chance for glitches with any IT system and no doubt there will be
some in due course and they will be resolved
Any queries or issues please email the Parish Secretary
( and they will be forwarded to be answered.