Thanks to all our Confirmation group for contributing to last Sunday’s special Mass at St Godric’s. It was also a very clear sign that our young people can make a valuable contribution to our Masses. Let’s hope we can continue this at all our Masses. With Advent upon us now, we are looking to prepare for Christmas, especially the various services. We will have a Reconciliation Service (date to be confirmed).
Our rotas for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers are being prepared for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Judging by the names signed up so far, it would seem everyone is going on Christmas Eve. If you intend attending Christmas Day, I’d be most grateful if you could let Marjorie know asap if are available to read or assist with Communion.
As you might have noticed, we are getting a number of homeless people sleeping rough around the grounds of Godric’s and Joseph’s. Unfortunately, it’s a growing trend nationwide.
Sadly, we lost John Hannon this week. A gentleman to the core. He taught in both primary schools of Joseph’s and Thomas More. A learned man who loved to chat, especially on religious matters, and on Thomas Merton in particular. He was delightful company to visit. Despite his ongoing struggles with cancer, he was always so positive. He loved receiving Holy Communion weekly from Dennis Bradley. Our sympathies to Christine and family.
And this is an opportune moment for me to thank all our Ministers of the Eucharist who bring Communion to the sick. It’s not just the Sacrament you bring, but the company, the care and kindness. I’m sure you’ll know it’s more valued than you can imagine. A word on our Bereavement Mass. Largest attendance ever. The Mass was lovely. The afters in the Jubilee Room very special too. A large gathering of shared joy and sadness, as our loved ones were remembered. Well done to our Bereavement Group for organizing.
“I still miss those I loved who are no longer with me but I find I am grateful for having loved them. The gratitude has finally conquered the loss.”