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Take to heart the final words of Jesus: ‘remember, I am with you always’.

Enjoy your time with the risen Lord. Let nothing distract your attention.

Give your love to him who is your Saviour. Let your heart be on fire with love for him.

Rest in him and let him who is the Light of the world scatter any darkness from your heart and mind. Allow yourself to be refreshed and renewed in his presence. There is no need for words, but if your mind wanders, you may like to say ‘Jesus, you are with me.’ Reduce the words to ‘Jesus, you are’ and then finally, simply say in love each time your mind wanders


Remember he is with you: you cannot make it happen, for it is already a fact.

Risen Lord, known to Mary in the garden,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.

Risen Lord, coming to your disciples, who met behind closed doors,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.

Risen Lord, walking with Cleopas and his companion on the road,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.

Risen Lord, known in the breaking of bread,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.

Risen Lord, showing yourself to doubting Thomas,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.

Risen Lord, appearing to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.

Risen Lord, meeting with your disciples at the Ascension,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.

Risen Lord, sending us out in the power of your Spirit,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.

Risen Lord, as you promised, you are with us always,

Set my heart on fire with love for you.


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