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Never Alone

Never Alone… By now on this Saturday of Easter week, in the Gospels, Jesus has been seen in the garden, in a house, travelling on the road. In today’s reading, he is encountered in Galilee. The disciples were being assured of his risen presence. He talked with them, walked with them, shared food with them. They were beginning to learn that he is very much alive and with them. Seek to realize his presence throughout each day by calling his name in love. Remember he said ‘anyone who comes to me I will never drive them away’ (John 6:37). Come, rejoice in the Lord. Jesus, Lord of my life, you are with me: in your presence is fullness of joy. Lord of life, you come down to lift us up: you became human that we might share in the divine; You died that we might rise to life immortal. Help us to live as those who believe and trust in you and grant that we may live to your praise and glory. Amen


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