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Thought from Fr. Colm -19th January 2025

The Wedding at Cana

The mother of God spoke to her son as the laughter and singing began to die

(Though the feast had hardly just begun) and the guests began to sigh.

“These people are waiting for something more” She whispered to him.

“These people pine to drink as they’ve never drunk before—

They have no wine.”

“Oh woman”, the Son of Man replied, “What is that to me? It is not my hour.”

But his mother still stood there by his side and spoke a little lower.

“The singing and dancing have almost ceased and the bride is shame-faced.

Oh, son of mine, the guests have come to the wedding feast

And have no wine.”

And, looking down on his princely face, she remembered what Simeon prophesied

As he held the child in the holy place: A sword shall pierce your side.

“Oh blood of my blood” the Virgin said, “The drink they thirst for is yours and mine.

They came to see a bridegroom wed

And they have no wine.”


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The parish of the Durham Martyrs incorporates the Catholic churches of Our Lady of Mercy and St Godric, St Bede and St Joseph (Gilesgate) in Durham City. We are part of the Finchale Partnership and based within the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.


St. Bede,

St Godric's RC Primary School,

Carrhouse Drive,


DH1 5LZ 

Our Lady of Mercy

and St Godric

Castle Chare

St Joseph

Mill Lane


Marjorie, the Parish Secretary's working hours are 8:30am -4:00pm Tues - Fri. If you email outside these hours you will receive a response when Marjorie is back in the office. 

07483 369 561


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